Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Bundles and bundles of problems

Today was one of those days... You know the days that everyone just seems like they all have immense problems. Like usually its manageable, but today no its intensified 100%. Then there's me who cares, and really wants to help but just... is too tired, and honestly doesn't know how to help anymore. Honestly today, the drama right now seems like bullshit. Guy and Girl relationship high school problems yes, police being involved? Are you kidding me. This is just another teenage problem, you really need to get the police involved... really? i mean come one.. Can we all just calm down just a bit. If you wouldn't be such a man whore, and just think a little about the person you're screwing over just maybe girls wouldn't come out to get you. Yes what he did was very wrong, that's understood. But then buddy you have to let it go. I know it seems really hard but you just can't hold on to it like that.. Don't obsess over the past. Its called the past for a reason leave it there. See this whole police scare can teach you a lesson. You can't let your anger control you. You can't get out of hand every time a relationship goes wrong or some guy just screws you over. I know it seems like the end of the world but its not. Why do you even want a jerk. Like really, there are SO many other people to choose. You have to understand were i am in this. I mean you being upset is really upsetting for me too. I mean you're my best friend i don't want to see you sad. I know this is the wrong time to say it but it couldn't be more right, i told you so. This is why i feel like nothing i can do can help you anymore. I tried to prevent this from the start. I told you from day fucking one, not to go for it. I told you he wasn't a good person like that. But you didn't want to listen you went right for it, disregarded everything i told you and just went for it. I don't mean to be harsh but you chose this hunny. And you could have stopped it a long time ago. You knew this was going to happen but you just didn't want to believe it. When you go for guys like him that's whats going to happen. But you have to learn to let the heck go. Don't attach on to something that isn't yours. You can't control their life just because they didn't want to be yours. That means no meddling, just live your own life and they'll live there's  You can not steel their things, or break them, or try and steel their car or what ever. That is not how this works. We are teenagers. Learn to handle rejection its going to happen many times before you find the right one. This is one fucking guy, everyone has a first Hun  Not everyone stays with that first, actually a really big percentage of people never talk to that first after high school again. Let it go. You will find someone in time. Don't waste your whole high school life over this one guy. Hes not even going to be around next year. This time next year your going to be hung up on some other guy. But if you don't let him go now, how long of your life are you going to waste feeling like shit about this one guy? Life isn't worth living sad, let yourself have fun. Get your head out of the gutter and live a little. I love you and i fully understand that its hard that you did shit with this guy and it was your first but, firsts are never lasts. Its time to move on. I love you, just move on. Don't know how long i have to say that until you do it. This is your life don't make it sad.

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